Stihl MS 250 / MS 251 18" Guide Bar Genuine 3005 000 7017


  • Stihl MS 250 / MS 251 Replacement Chain 18"
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Stihl Genuine Light 404 18" Guide Bar for Stihl MS 250 / MS 251 / 025 68 Links of 325P

18" 325P Stihl Light 404 guide bar. Made in usa

325p has 7 tooth drive sprocket

Count the number of drive links in your old chain to determine your chain and bar length.

The drive links are the bottom parts of the chain that sit down into the guide bar.

Take chain off chainsaw, lay flat and count the drive links in 2's e.g. 2,4,6,8,10 for the easiest way to find you chain lenght.

Chain Specification .325

Bar Length: 18" (68 Links)
Chain Pitch: .325" 
Chain Gauge: .050" / 1.3mm and 1.6mm
Chain File Size: 4.5mm / 3/16"


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